
About Us


FGB Gatekeepers USA is made up of businesspeople from across a wide spectrum of the marketplace who believe there is a higher dimension to business and life. From investors to entrepreneurs, from corporate employees to small business owners, from managers and contractors to those in the medical fields, our members are guided and inspired by God’s plan for their lives. Many of our members have over 35+ years of experience in business. By having experienced life, business, and family, our members have come to realize that there is a divine purpose for their business and life. We encourage you to take a closer look at FGB Gatekeepers USA!


America has been blessed as a nation by God because citizens in past generations have woven Him into the very fabric of our culture and their daily lives. On our currency we wrote “In God We Trust” and we gave reverence to “God” and “Creator” in “The Pledge of Allegiance” and in “The Declaration of Independence.” The Bible tells us: “blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12). But today in America the situation is different. We all need to be concerned about eroding morals and values in America. Much of our Judeo/Christian foundation and traditions can no longer be taken for granted. For those of us who care, action is necessary in order to defend biblical values and ideals that our Founding Fathers established for America. We cannot stand on the sidelines and observe as they are attacked and fall one-by-one. We must get in the game and defend our Judeo/Christian heritage. As Gatekeepers, we are commissioned to build/mentor “people” from the inside-out through the power of God’s Spirit and His Word in the marketplace. True freedom comes from God when He is given consent by men and women to change them by His Spirit. He then sets us free from all bondage and entrapment! Gatekeepers are transforming the culture of the marketplace in the USA by turning the hearts of business men and woman toward God (one at a time). Our Call is to men and women in the marketplace, to those outside the 4-walls of the church.


On December 26, 1952, Demos Shakarian, a successful dairy farmer in Los Angeles, California was given a literal vision by God. He saw the faces of millions of people from all over the earth held captive in chains of darkness (alive yet spiritually dead). They were captives bound in chains, alone and miserable, locked in their own private death with no hope of making it in the world. The vision Demos witnessed was not only for America, but for all people in all nations around world. Next, Demos saw the Spirit of God touch the lives of these people and suddenly ice melted from them, chains were broken, and their countenance raised, they were full of life, radiant and they raised their hands in victory. God had changed their lives. From this Vision, Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International (FGBMFI) was formed. It became the largest laymen’s movement in the world, ushering in hundreds of thousands into the Kingdom of God through the sharing of testimonies in the marketplace.

In 1992, Demos Shakarian released his final publication (one year before the Lord called him home to Glory), The Vision Intensified (A New Wave of Revival). In Section 3 of the book, Demos writes:

“In my original Vision, God did not show me chapters. And again, don’t
misunderstand me. Chapters have provided us with another way to reach out
into the community with the saving message of Jesus Christ. Chapters have
proven to be anointed vessels for ministering to the local community.
But beloved, the Vision is people.
and setting the captive free!
Men and women who were ICE COLD became ALIVE and miraculously
LINKED in PRAISE and ADORATION to God through the POWER of
Jesus Christ!
That’s the Vision. And THE VISION INTENSIFIES.

The “Full Gospel” Fellowship in Singapore (under leadership of Khoo Oon Theam) was the first group to understand that the Vision is about “people”. Build people! Combining Demos Vison (emphasis on “people”) with that of the “Great Commission” (given by Jesus Christ and recorded in the book of Matthew 28:18-20), “Full Gospel Business Gatekeepers Singapore” was birthed. This is the New Wave Of Revival that Demos saw in the Last Days and The Vision Intensifies as people are touched by His Spirit in the marketplace!


Having met with Khoo Oon Theam in Singapore, in 2014, and having participated in 3-mini “Making Disciples of all Nations” trainings and one full-school training in Singapore, Phil Harrison caught the Vision of Demos in a new way; the same way it was revealed to the Singapore group. With this new insight, Full Gospel Business Gatekeepers USA or FGB Gatekeepers USA was formed/founded in September 2018.
The emphasis of The Vision is building people and/or making disciples in the marketplace. Men and women are gatekeepers/members. Chapters are now Gates or portals by which men and women are mentored and discipled in the marketplace. With each new Gatekeeper/Member, we come one step closer to influencing the 7-Mountains (or Gates) of our American culture for the Kingdom of God.


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